The Committee has been running for more than 20 years and is dedicated to follow all activities that the International Financing Institutions (IFI’s) drive around development aid financing, policies, and more particularly their related procurement procedures. The Committee is composed of large and medium consulting companies representatives of the sector and is recognized as a discussion partner by the IFI’s.
EU institutions are collectively the biggest donor of development aid in the World, providing yearly over € 50 billion to help overcome poverty and advance global development. A wide range of FPC activities are therefore focussed on EU procurement for services contracts in the context of development aid.
feaco is very active in organizing exchange meetings, drafting comments or position papers, and proposing changes to the financing regulations and the various procurement reforms applying to EU external assistance. The FPC is notably and regularly exchanging with DG INTPA, DG BUDGET as well as the European Parliament on enabling procurement procedures to tap into the best technical assistance approach and support for EU-funded projects.
Since 2020, and through continuous communication, FPC addressed concrete issues and concerns related to our industry such as the impact of Covid-19 on procurement, the digitalization of procurement, the decrease of contracts launched under frameworks contracts, or the evolution of the Procurement Procedures and Practical Guide (PRAG). These subjects are also discussed with Representatives of the European Commission through online or in-person meetings, which allows our industry to stay close to key actors.
Nowadays, co-financing, blending, delegated management, PPP, and other facilities for raising and levering funds involve donors and lenders at both multinational and bilateral levels. Therefore, FPC also covers topics related to the procurement procedures of other institutions such as the World Bank (WB), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), The Asian Development Bank (ADB), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the German Cooperation Agency (KfW) or the French Development Agency (AFD).
In this increasing procurement complexity within a global and multilateral environment, combined with the recent COVID-19 and Ukrainian crises, it is necessary for the Consulting industry to tackle those rapid changes and to remain – at source - a credible partner to IFI’S. FPC monitors trends in development policies and procurement procedures, anticipates changes in development aid policies and related procurement procedures, maintains dialogue and advocates for industry voice and feedback on procurement policies or changes, and raises industry awareness of the IFIs, meeting regularly with senior officials on International Institutions.
Finally, the FPC also works closely with the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA) External Aid Committee to strengthen the voice of the industry when addressing common positions papers to the EU Institutions or EU Members States representations.
The Committee is currently chaired by Didier Wynrocx, supported by Raphaël Zayat.
FPC meetings are held both in Brussels and online, on invitation only.
You can contact the Chairman of the Committee for any further information at
feaco European Federation of Management Consultancies Associations
Kunstlaan / Avenue des Arts 3/4/5
1210 Brussels / Bruxelles