Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63 A
1045 Vienna
Phone: +43 5 90 900 3540
Email: ubit@wko.at
Year established: 1985
Number of members: 78.000
Nationwide turnover: 40 billion Euros
Short description of the association:
With more than 78,000 members, the Professional Association for Management Consultancy, Accounting and IT (UBIT) is one of the largest and most dynamic professional associations of the Austrian
Economic Chamber. It looks after the interests of entrepreneurs from the fields of management consultancy, accounting and information technology. The aim is to optimize job-related framework
conditions and to communicate the performance of the professional groups to the market. Members can take advantage of extensive advice and services.
More information at www.ubit.at // www.beratertag.at // www.ubit-oesterreich.at.
feaco European Federation of Management Consultancies Associations
Kunstlaan / Avenue des Arts 3/4/5
1210 Brussels / Bruxelles
Email: feaco@feaco.org